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May 2023

We’ve entered a cold wet winter, with the last couple of heavy rains that caught us in May. So far for this year we are standing on 614mm of rain here at Mateya Safari Lodge. The “veld” looks in a good condition and due to the late rain, we will have enough volume of water that will cover most of the areas here in Madikwe Game Reserve. The animals, physically looks in a good condition and will have enough food for the rest of the year. Sunrise starts at 06:49 AM and Sunsets 17:35. Sightings have been very promising and we have had some brilliant game viewing with our guests.

Defiantly one of the animals which most people always enjoy to see here in Madikwe Game reserve. Both packs are doing good and it started to look like the one pack is denning.

The African Wild Dog, famously known as the painted wolf has a very unique social structure, very similar to your wolves. The Wild Dogs take care off of the wounded and sick members and in the pack, you will have a monogamous pair, the alfa male and alfa female, that will lead the pack during a hunt, as well as protecting each other.

Often what we all enjoy most is sitting around the fire at the lodge or having an early morning coffee before game drive and you here some Spotted Hyena’s calling or perhaps you are lucky to come across his cousin, the Brown Hyena, which is a regular sighting not far from the lodge, where they are busy denning.

Spotted hyenas have a gestation period of 110 days and will give birth to 2 cubs. They will nurse for the first 6 months up to another year. They are only considered matured at 2 years old. Their diet consists of carrion, fresh meat to skins and bones.

The Brown Hyena has a gestation period of 90 days and will have a litter of 1 – 4 cubs. Their diet consists of mainly carrion, but also ground birds, insects, eggs, reptiles and small mammals. Brown Hyena’s are solitary, were the Spotted hyena’s form large groups called clans.

A beautiful dark mane, male Lion posing for a photo on an early morning game drive, busy watching his females as they were stalking some zebras in the distance.


Male lions are known for being layabout, not contributing much to the family and doesn’t always help the females to hunt for food. When it comes to bigger prey, males can assist or when the male is away from the pride, he will hunt for himself or mainly will scavage from other predators.

New lion cubs of 3 months old. A very curios cub, looking at us, but mom made sure she has her eyes on the vehicle, protecting the youngster. Always good seeing that social bond between a mom and a youngster. Lions are the only cats that live in groups and the main purpose for a pride is, that a female must raise the cubs and make sure they are successful in defending themselves one day, but also having a success in hunting.

An elusive leopard, lurking in the dark behind a termite mound during an evening drive

Leopards tend to be solitary animals and rarely interact with each other, apart from when mating takes place. Leopards are highly territorial and male leopards will fight if their territories overlap. Leopard’s often make use of termite mounds for the following reasons. In winter times, the mounds might be warm for them laying on top of it. Makes use of it as a height advantage for hunting. Lastly, they wait for their prey like a warthog, when its move’s out of the borrow.

We had an epic start to the winter and have been fortunate enough, with some brilliant sightings with our guests here at Mateya Safari Lodge. There has been a lot of predator activity and we are looking forward for some more action for this coming month in June.

Until next time

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