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October 2024

Currently, sunrise is at 5:33 and sunset at 18:23. Our low temperatures averaging around 16’C ( 61’F) and our high temperatures averaging around 35’C (95’F).

The month of October was interesting in terms of weather. October is expected to be a hot month with humidity levels slowly rising as the rainy season approaches, but we experienced all seasons in just one month. We Certainly had those hot days as expected, but some cold fronts and windy weather was also thrown into the mix. I think it’s safe to say that everyone in Madikwe, especially the Fauna and Flora are ready for the rains to begin. It has been a very dry year, and we are very much looking forward to what we can only hope will be a better rainy season than the previous year. With the weather app predictions getting our hopes up more often than not, we have at least been graced by a couple of small showers to help settle the dust and encourage some greenery to push through.

In terms of game drives, we have had some beautiful sightings of the Ashia Cheetah and her five cubs, it’s hard to believe that they are already around six months old! It is no surprise though that Ashia has managed to keep all five cubs, still strong and growing up until now, she has proven to be an excellent mother and a determined hunter.

Leopard sightings have been good this month with the young male and female that are still around the central dam located close to the lodge, along with a couple of other unexpected but well received sightings of leopard. We have also picked up on the tracks of a Leopard that seems to frequent the watering hole in front of the lodge, let’s hope we get to see him one of these days!

We have had an abundance of scavenger sightings due to the unfortunate rate of mortalities within Madikwe. With the bush being so dry and being the cause of quite a few mortalities, the terms “survival of the fittest” and “natural selection” come to mind. However heartbreaking it may be to see so many mortalities, we do need to remember that nature has a way of balancing everything out. With each animal that did not survive, there were Jackal, Hyena and Vultures, that were sustained, let’s not forget about an abundance of other critters and creatures that go unnoticed. This is the circle of life.

Until next time.

The Mateya Team